Members of the Club – Month 8 of 12 Ancestors in 12 Months

A Presidential Connection – Part 2

It was a hot and sunny day in Indian Wells, California. Gary and his friend Norm Jackson were enjoying a friendly game of golf. All of a sudden, someone hit into them. This is an unacceptable practice in the game of golf and can be dangerous.  Since it was summer in the desert, the course was pretty deserted, and Gary and Norm were not known for playing slow so there really was no excuse. While annoyed, they understood that sometimes things happened and continued to play. However, the third time of being hit into, the ball actually rolled between Gary’s feet.  Irritated, Gary immediately turned around and said, “WHAT!” At that point the Secret Service agents came out of the woodwork. It turned out that the person hitting into them was former President Gerald Ford. Gary immediately switched tactics and calmly said, “Mr. President, you can play through.”

Gary had another encounter with the former President. While living in the Palm Springs area, Gary was the principal percussionist for the Desert Symphony.  One memorable time, the symphony was hired to perform at a wedding reception on Clancy Lane in Palm Desert.  After rehearsal off site, Gary loaded all his equipment into his truck and went to the venue to set up while everyone else had dinner (ahhhh, the joys of being a percussionist). When he arrived at the house, he was met by several gentlemen dressed in black suits, white shirts, skinny black ties, little coily things behind their ears, and suspicious bulges under their jackets. It was the Secret Service. They asked Gary if they could search his truck and equipment. He, of course, complied and when they asked him where he would be during the search, Gary told them, “I’ll be standing in the headlights where your partner can see me at all times.” Unbeknownst to him at the time, former President Gerald Ford, former Ambassador Walter Annenberg, former Secretary-of-State Henry Kissinger, and several other high ranking governmental officials were all in attendance at this particular wedding.

Oh, if only Gary had realized that Gerald Ford and I were cousins. I’m sure their interactions would have been much more interesting. Of course, the cousin connection is a little distant. Gerald Ford and I are 10th cousins; we share 9th great grandparents, Henry Howland and Mary Newland. In my last blog post, I shared my discovery that Richard Nixon and I are also cousins; we are closer cousins because Richard Nixon and my grandfather, Donald Watkins, shared 4th great grandparents, Anthony Smith (who is a direct descendant of Henry and Mary) and Lydia Willets which makes us 5th cousins twice removed. Therefore, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and I are all cousins (Richard and Gerald were 7th cousins three times removed).

Gerald R. Ford’s inauspicious beginning contained no hint that he would someday hold the highest office available in this country.

Gerald R. Ford was not his birth name. His parents were Leslie Lynch King and Dorothy Ayer Gardner and he was named after his father. Leslie Lynch King, Jr. was born on July 14, 1913 in Omaha, Nebraska. Unfortunately, Leslie King, Sr. was abusive. According to biographer, James M. Cannon, “a few days after Ford’s birth, Leslie King took a butcher knife and threatened to kill his wife, infant son, and Ford’s nursemaid (Gerald Ford).”  Just two weeks after Leslie King, Jr. was born, his mother took him and left, moving to Grand Rapids, Michigan to live with her parents. Dorothy then married Gerald R. Ford on February 1, 1916 at which time the family began calling Leslie, Jerry.

In 1935, Leslie Lynch King, Jr. officially changed his name to Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. even though he was never officially adopted by his step-father.

Gerald was a good student and talented athlete, graduated from Yale Law School in 1941, and became a lawyer. After the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Ford enlisted in the Navy.

Reminiscent of John Howland, Gerald’s and my 9th great grand-uncle, who fell off the Mayflower, “During a vicious typhoon in the Philippine Sea in December 1944, Gerald came within inches of being swept overboard (Gerald R. Ford Biography).”

After the war, Gerald returned to Grand Rapids where he became involved in the Republican party. He went on to serve 13 terms in the House of Representatives. His political ambition was to become Speaker-of-the-House. He never accomplished this goal though he did become the minority leader of the House.

According to the Gerald R. Ford Biography, he “developed a reputation for personal integrity, hard work, and the ability to deal effectively with both Republicans and Democrats.”

It is perhaps this reputation that launched him on a path that was never his intention. As reported in, in 1973, President Richard Nixon appointed Gerald R. Ford as Vice President when then Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned because of accusations of unethical behavior involving tax evasion. Then Gerald R. Ford became President in 1974 when President Nixon resigned due to the Watergate scandal.

“Ford became the first, and so far the only, person to become President without winning a general election for President or Vice President ( to Henry Kissinger who was Secretary-of-State at the time, “Gerald Ford saved the country. In fact he saved it in such a matter of fact way that he isn’t given credit for it.”

Perhaps we would all be better people if we would adhere to Gerald Ford’s philosophy of life that he was taught by his parents, “Work hard, tell the truth, and come to dinner on time.”

But that’s not all…my membership in the presidential descendant’s club has been expanded. Descendants of my 9th great grand-uncle, John Howland, include:

  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt, my 8th cousin three times removed
  • George Herbert Walker Bush, my 11th cousin two times removed
  • George Walker Bush, my 11th cousin three times removed


Bomboy, Scott. “Gerald Ford’s Unique Role in American History.” National Constitution Center – Constitutioncenter.Org, 14 July 2024,

“Gerald Ford.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 20 Aug. 2024,

“Gerald R. Ford Biography.” Gerald R. Ford Foundation, 23 July 2021,

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Wordless Wednesday 8/21/24

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Members of the Club – Month 8 of 12 Ancestors in 12 Months

A Presidential Connection – Part 1

It’s the presidential season in the United States. Regardless of politics, are you a descendant or relative of the current or a former United States President? According to research done by 12-year-old BridgeAnne d’Avignon in 2010, if your ancestry traces back to the British Isles, it’s entirely possible. BridgeAnne worked long and hard on her research with the help of her grandfather who spent 60 years tracing his ancestry. According to her, she “discovered that all presidents except Martin Van Buren are related to King John of England who was depicted as the villain in the Robin Hood tales. King John also signed the Magna Carta in 1215 which helped form the British Parliament (Greene).

Through my research, I have ascertained that I am related to Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States. Fifty years ago today on August 8, 1974, Richard Nixon gave a 15 minute speech explaining his intent to resign as President of the United States because of the fallout of the Watergate scandal. He officially resigned on August 9, 1974.

Richard Nixon and my grandfather, Donald Watkins, shared 4th great grandparents, Anthony Smith and Lydia Willets. This made them 5th cousins; therefore, Richard Nixon and I are 5th cousins twice removed. Nixon’s line connects with us through his mother, Hannah Milhous.

Richard Nixon was born in Yorba Linda, California into a Quaker family (his mother was a devout Quaker and his father who originally was a Methodist, converted). We come from a long line of Quakers. So far, I have traced our lineage to Henry Howland (1566-1635) and Anne Aires (1567-1629). They had five sons; the most famous of their sons was John (my 9th great grand-uncle) who is famous for having fallen off the Mayflower. Richard and I were both descended from Henry Howland and Mary Newland. Quakers believe in non-violence and traditionally abstain from war. I wrote about an ancestor of mine, Timothy Smith (brother of Judith Smith who was a direct ancestor of Richard’s) in my blog, titled What’s a Pacifist to Do?  I talked about the conflict Timothy had during the Revolutionary War between being a pacifist and a patriot. I’m guessing that Richard Nixon struggled with some of these same issues since he joined the Navy in 1942 even though he was a Quaker and of course, he spent his life in service to his country.

Richard Nixon had humble beginnings. His dad owned a service station, was a grocer, and owned a small lemon grove even though he wasn’t very successful. Richard was the 2nd of five children. One brother was named after their father and the other brothers were named after kings. Richard was named for King Richard the Lionheart.

Richard Nixon loved music (he played several instruments), was an avid bowler, and was a huge football fan. He met his wife, Thelma Ryan, better known as “Pat” when they were both in a community theater play. (Klein)

Cousin Richard Nixon had many accomplishments as president such as ending the Vietnam War and the draft, making important reforms in welfare policy, civil rights, law enforcement, and the environment, supporting Apollo 11, and improving relations with China and the U.S.S.R. Despite all this, he is still best known for his resignation. (Richard Nixon)

So…are you part of the presidential descendant’s club?


Coble, Jacquelyn. “What’s a Pacifist to Do?” Journeying with Jacque, 3 June 2022,

Greene, Jessica. “All the Presidents’ Cousins.” NBC Bay Area, NBC Bay Area, 16 Feb. 2010,

Hulbert, Emma. “Quaker Pacifism in the Context of War.” Friends Committee on National Legislation, 8 Mar. 2022,

Klein, Christopher. “10 Things You May Not Know about Richard Nixon.” History.Com, A&E Television Networks, Accessed 30 July 2024.

“Richard Nixon.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., 21 July 2024,

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Wordless Wednesday 8/7/24

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Wordless Wednesday 7/24/24

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Trains – Month 7 of 12 Ancestors in 12 Months

Inspiring a 6th Grader

A side trip to the Grand Canyon to visit my grandparents when we moved from California to Oklahoma combined with 6th grade experiences that included a train trip and an excursion to a Chinese restaurant encouraged my inclination to travel and enjoy new experiences.

My family moved from Beaumont, California to Bartlesville, Oklahoma in 1966. That fall I started 6th grade and enrolled in Washington Elementary School which is the school my uncles had also attended. (Washington Elementary School was originally built in 1907; it burned down and was rebuilt in 1930.) I had a good teacher who wanted to expose us to new things.

One of the most memorable events was a train trip from Bartlesville to Independence, Kansas culminating in an outing at the zoo.

Tulsan stopped at Chanute, Kansas

According to the schedule, we left Bartlesville at 8:10 and arrived in Independence at 9:00 with a stop in Caney.

The train was a regional train for the Santa Fe Railroad called the Tulsan. The Tulsan’s route was from Tulsa to Kansas City and was known for consistently being on time (Burns). The Tulsan ran from 1939 until the start of Amtrak in 1971.

After arriving in Independence, we walked to the zoo and park and enjoyed exploring both. Riverside Park was founded in 1914 and the Ralph Mitchell Zoo was added to the park in 1925. The highlight of the zoo was Monkey Island. In the 1930s, the WPA (Works Progress Administration) created Monkey Islands at various zoos across the country. However, the Monkey Island in Independence was particularly detailed and elaborate “with a castle, a main street with storefronts, a jail, a windmill, and even a miniature Liberty Bell (Monkey Island).”

East and West Views, Monkey Island Independence, KS

While Monkey Island was a great place to observe the monkeys, it also had a significant historical impact. “Kansas has been home to several astronauts: Ron Evans, Joe Engle, and Steven Hawley, for example. But before these astronauts took flight, there was another native Kansan who ventured to outer space: Well, not an astronaut but an astromonkey (Wilson).”

Miss Able was born on Monkey Island in Independence in 1957 and became the first American monkey to travel into outer space on May 28, 1959 as a result of U.S. competition with the Soviet Union who launched Sputnik in 1957. Miss Able was a rhesus monkey and endured extensive training. She traveled with another monkey, Miss Baker.

Traveling by train for the first time, I was able to not only have an amazing experience, but it was an opportunity to learn some remarkable history. May the travels continue.


Burns, Adam. “The ‘Tulsan’: Chicago – Kansas City – Tulsa, OK.” America-Rails, Accessed 3 July 2024.

“Lost Bartlesville: Sean Hockens Remembers Local Tracks and Trains …” Enterprise-Enterprise, Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise, 29 Dec. 2013,

“Monkey Island, Home of America’s First Space Monkey, Independence, Kansas.” RoadsideAmerica.Com, Accessed 4 July 2024.

Wilson, Ron. “K-State Research and Extension.” Kansas Profile – Now That’s Rural: Miss Able, Astromonkey, 25 Oct. 2023,

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Wordless Wednesday 7/3/24

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Wordless Wednesday 6/26/24

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Love and Marriage – Month 6 of 12 Ancestors in 12 Months

Weddings in the Anthony Lineage


The Anthony legacy began in Germany, moving on to La Crosse, Wisconsin where John and Gertrude met and married.

John Peter Antony was born on July 6, 1861 in Heilenbach, Germany which is in Western Germany to Jacob Johann Peter Antony and Otilla Endress. He immigrated to La Crosse, Wisconsin in 1880 with four of his brothers and his mother. He, Johann, and Nickolas changed the spelling of their last name to Anthony while Peter and Peter J. retained the spelling of Antony.

Gertrude Schmidt was born August 8, 1867 in Cologne, Germany which is in Western Germany to Heinrich Joseph Schmidt and Maria Christina Schaefer. She was the oldest of 16 children. Gertrude and her parents immigrated to Wisconsin in 1870.

John Peter Anthony and Gertrude were married on February 23, 1886 in St. Joseph’s Ridge, Wisconsin in the Catholic Church.

Gertrude Schmidt and John Peter Anthony

It’s fun to see the wedding fashions throughout the years, starting with their children.

Peter Anthony and Ida Blessing
Philip Stockschlaeder and Barbara Anthony
Harry Gremmel and Mary Anthony

My grandmother was their youngest child. Anna Agnes Anthony was born on July 25, 1905 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. She married my grandfather, Malcolm Bruce McLeod in 1923.

Malcolm McLeod and Annie Anthony

My grandparents had two children. My uncle, William Malcolm McLeod married Antoinette Frances Naples on October 18, 1958.

William McLeod and Toni Naples

My mother, Geraldine Ann McLeod, was very young when she married my dad, Billy Dean Watkins, on June 13, 1954. She was just 16 and he was 24.

Jerrie McLeod and Bill Watkins

My mom later married Ralph Bernal in 1984.

Ralph Bernal and Jerrie McLeod Watkins

While my mom was a very young bride, I waited a little longer and married the love of my life, Gary John Coble, on June 26, 1989 when I was 34.

The wedding fashion trends continue with the marriages of my siblings: Becky Watkins and Curtis Foister; Bill Watkins and Linda Smith; Angelina Bernal and Derek Vaughters.

John and Gertrude’s great great grandsons are the current generation to have married: Alexander Watkins and Andrea Chaira; Seth Foister and Jamie Zeuschner.

Weddings are a great way to celebrate and enjoy family time. We renewed our wedding vows on our 15th anniversary at the Colorado Renaissance Faire with both Gary’s family and my family in attendance. It’s become our tradition to attend the faire as part of our celebration. This year we will enjoy the festivities the weekend after our anniversary in June and reminisce about 135 years of weddings.

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Wordless Wednesday 6/12/24

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